first assignment


Hopefully I am doing all the steps the correct way with the blog so far, but nonetheless, my experience with wine isn't nearly as expansive as I would like it to be. This is one of the main reasons I took this course as one of my last college electives. I've learned about world history through the lens of alcohol with the book "A history of the world in 6 glasses" and this certainly changed my perspective on all types of alcohol. Growing up wine was the adult drink and when I tried it it tasted terrible (compared to grape juice), and I was rather late to finally begin experimenting with alcohol. Even then, it took awhile for me to begin trying wine and realizing how complex it is. I knew that it was obviously closely tied to much of WESTERN history, which also is closely intertwined with most cultures' shared histories, however I am looking forward to exploring just how important wine is to our society. 

As I mentioned, for me it took an initial period of experimentation with alcohol for me to respect and refine my taste for wine, and all other alcohol for that matter. Wine specifically though has grown on me a lot recently, for a host of reasons but mostly because it's simply becoming my preferred drink of choice. Specifically white wines because for me I enjoy the lightness of it and you can use ice with it. I understand red wine is more table wine and different wines are used for different purposes/occasions for specific pairings like with food or other drinks (like how mimosa is sparkling wine + OJ). I am learning more about that kind of stuff and identifying types of wines but still got a lot to learn. 

Anywho, I wish to have a deeper understanding of the complex history and role that wine has played in shaping our modern world, and also simply understanding the drink itself. I am quite excited to blog about wine and earn credits!


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